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We reach parents other systems can’t, but so what?


The fact is, most effort in many schools is spent on a minority of hard-to-reach parents.

Reaching the maximum number of parents should be the primary measure of success, because if we can’t reach them … we can’t hope to engage and involve them.

At Weduc we pride ourselves on reaching more parents than ANY other system.

Newsfeed screen shot

Here’s how we’re different:

  • Our software is not ‘jack of all trades’ - it’s designed and developed for parental engagement: Period

  • Publish messages simultaneously to more channels: Email, SMS, App Messages, Social Media and Website

  • 'Smart messaging' automatically directs messages to where parents will get them

  • Engage parents in school life; post pictures and videos via a modern, social media style news feed

  • We provide a direct help line to support your parents - so you no longer have to

  • Create a trusted environment for parents with your own school branded App

By reaching more parents, you’ll spend less time chasing, parents will feel more engaged and involved in school life – and you can spend more time teaching.

Find out how Weduc can help you reach more parents.

Complete the form below and we'll be in touch.

We wanted a simple system where our communications became unmissable; we got it! Liz Bruce, Swale Academy Trust's Lead Office Manager

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